Job Detail

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Customer Appreciaton Voice Over for adwenPa Kouture fashion brand

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project Levelbasic
  • //

Project detail

Gender: Either

Tone: Welcoming, thankful, definitive

Recording time: 60-75 seconds seconds

Total word count: 162 words

Final Output: High quality Mp3

Recording quality: raw edited

On-site needed?: No. Record in your professional studio/professional in-home studio

Final usage: online social media video and online streaming video promo

Music: None



Audition text: 82 words

From Ghana to America, Canada, the UK, and the Caribbean.

Thank you customers from around the globe for making adwenPa Kouture one of the fastest-growing fashion brands.

Thank you for the honor of nominating us for new fashion designer of the year and
emerging fashion brand of the year for both the Showbiz Excellence Awards and the Ghana Fashion Awards.

We appreciate your votes, your love, and your passion for wrapping yourself in stylish African pride with AdwenPaKouture

Yeda moase pii

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Languages required

Freelancer type required for this project

Project Completion deadline

September 30, 2022